American Maltese Rescue Organization

American Maltese Association Rescue is a national 501(C)(3) nonprofit organization staffed entirely by dedicated volunteers caring for homeless Maltese and securing adoptive families. Maltese come to rescue from many sources, animal shelters, death of the primary caretaker, people whose health has changed, and those facing loss of home. All AMA Rescue Maltese are cared for by approved foster families. Our available rescue dogs tend to be located in areas of the country with active volunteers and available foster homes. More homeless Maltese could be accepted if we had more foster families. Please consider this worthwhile experience. Please visit the American Maltese Rescue site to learn more about our Organization.
Please Help with a DONATION
AMA Rescue couldn’t survive without the help from our wonderful donors. For those that want to make a difference for a Maltese in need, but who cannot adopt or foster ... this is for you. A donation of any size will make a big difference for our rescue Maltese. Your donation is what makes it possible for us to continue to save the lives of Maltese in need.