Specialty Winners

Click here 1966-2019 BEST OF BREED WINNERS
We celebrate our National Specialty winners throughout the years.
If you have an official AMA National Specialty win picture and would like it posted, please send to with the name and award description (BOB, BOS, AOM, HIT etc) Only official win photos will be accepted and will be cropped.
American Maltese Rescue Organization

All AMA Rescue Maltese are cared for by approved foster families. Our available rescue dogs tend to
be located in areas of the country with active volunteers and available foster homes. More homeless
Maltese could be accepted if we had more foster families. Please consider this worthwhile experience.
General Maltese Information

It would be really difficult to find a more charming breed than the Maltese. Their intelligence and out-going personality make them a joy to own and their beauty attracts many admirers. Although the Maltese is a toy dog, this small breed is full of delightful personality with a zest for life. Their small size makes them easy to manage and they fit in with nearly anyone's lifestyle - from simple apartment living to being a world-wide traveler with a glamorous owner such as Elizabeth Taylor! The Maltese is happy to be your companion - ready to play and take walks or curl up in your lap.
Maltese Regional Member Clubs

AMA Member Clubs
AMA Member clubs are recognized by the American Kennel Club as specialty clubs for the Maltese. They hold membership with the AMA and hold Maltese specialty shows throughout the year. Please check the Events menu for their specialty show dates.
Breed Judging Seminars

The American Maltese Association presents hands on education seminars for judging the Maltese to all prospective American Kennel Club judges. Please check our Events calendar for dates and locations.