Breed Judging Seminars
Mon, 10/28/2013 - 16:44

The American Maltese Association presents hands on education seminars for judging the Maltese to all prospective American Kennel Club judges. Please check our Events calendar for dates and locations.
Breed Study Materials
A Pictorial Study of the Maltese - No longer available
A Power Point presentation on CD of the Illustrated Guide to the Maltese Standard includes video of expression, movement and how to examine the Maltese.
An Illustrated Guide to the Maltese - $20.00 USD
The American Kennel Club standard for the Maltese is discussed in detail with illustrations. This guide is used in breed study seminars.
US Funds only accepted
Please send payment, shipping address and email to:
Pamela Armstrong,
AMA Education
2240 South 308th St
Federal Way, WA 98003